Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Never Ending Hip Issues :: Volume One

Psoas Tendon Tear, Part One

Here we go again. I am back at the ortho today. Over the weekend I could put no weight on my right hip joint which made walking a tad difficult, I must say! Then no inward lateral movement or you would hear a deafening scream from me. This is not a negative however. Or at least I am not taking it that way. This is a wonderful positive thing taking place in my body. I haven't been doing all this mind/body/spirit work for nothing and so this is one area of my body that seems to be needing some adjustment or some healing to take place and one way to do this is to tell me when it is ready or time to do something about the situation. For me, this awakening is through pain and immobility. So, my wonderful ortho people got me in a week early and I am ready to roll!!
I swear, I single handedly keep those people in business. If I need a little scope surgery it will be my seventh hip surgery in a little over five years. This area of my body is definitely my weak area. I can manage, however, actually I can do more than manage, I can flourish, what a wonderful change of attitude.

This morning upon waking, I went into our bathroom to check the wall clock for the time. The clock said 5 am. This is our wake up time around here so that's what time I thought it was. Well, yesterday the wall clock fell off the wall and did something wacky and sure enough, I went downstairs thinking it was 5 and I would make my husband his morning coffee when it was really 4am. Good grief. Oh, well. One can never take wall clocks at face value. I left the husband in bed and the dogs and cat and I all went downstairs to begin the coffee and Kong routine we've all come to know and love. We all have wonderful morning routines don't we? Anyway, I digress....again....

So, what I can see of the weather is rain and yuck. Today, in lovely Minnesota, it is to begin with rain, then move to sleet, then move to snow with snow coming down all night and into tomorrow morning. Nothing beats a good midwestern spring. Yuck! But, right around the corner is April which always makes me feel better. However, if you suffer from any type of arthritic issues like I do, 30-50 degree rainy conditions makes my body feel like a slug. A hurting slug. Argh. But, I shall flourish away.

Watch for the next installment of the hip issue blog, coming soon to your local blogspot. Hah! I just heard my husband's alarm go off upstairs in the loft, which by the way looks absolutely gorgeous. The last wardrobe went up over the weekend and it is some kind of fabulous. I will begin taking pictures and placing them on this site so that you can see them first hand.

Cheers people and have a wonderful day where ever you are!


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