Saturday, November 20, 2010

Outside of Austin

Could this be any more lovely of a ceiling, I ask you? Being a designer myself, I vividly recall wanting a skylight in my bathroom since I was like 7 but to have one moving over the entire length of my living room is absolutely inspired. This proves you don't need square footage to impress you just have to have a fabulous architect!

This is the home of a friend of mine Judy Ridley's friend. I still want to send these fabulous pictures to editors at several shelter magazines in the hopes that they will pick it up and use it for an article. The owners have done both the exterior and interior with living in mind and living with art in mind. And that is what I love. When one notices a work of art in a home something happens to us internally. It sends a message to our brains that this can not be duplicated because it was an inspiration from some one else. I want to search for those houses that are not decorator perfect. That are not Elle Decor homes where one wouldn't dare put their feet on the cocktail table. And I want to find out what exactly it is about a work of art that makes a home so much more inviting that just another piece of prefab from Ikea. Don't get me wrong though, I love Ikea, but, when you add something artistic a room changes and it is that change I want to capture from people.

So here we go. My husband just informally interviewed for job in Austin so you never know. Keep us in your prayers because I would LOVE living in the Hill Country.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Same Texas Home...front entryway

This house is absolutely exquisite. It is nicely situated on a smallish lot with plenty of open space outside to garden and to sit in the wonderful Texas weather. The architect made very good use of the indoor/outdoor aspects of building a home and so it's proportions are fabulous. I have lots of pictures of this home and will be sharing a few more with you before I change over to the next house. But, I think Texas has a wonderful way of changing the atmosphere in the housing industry because of the influx of money coming into the state of Wyoming, namely, Jackson Hole. And the influx of big money coming from people in southern California. These people want their money to last them longer and in order to do that they need to move to areas of the country where their dollars can stretch further than in California-- a state near bankruptcy.

My dear friend, Judy Ridley, who lives in the wonderful Horseshoe Bay are of Texas, turned me on to this house as it is her friend's place. Judy as been instrumental in showing me homes that she knows I will love and appreciate. My next push will be to try and get some of the houses I don't use in my book to be picked up by magazines. Yahoo. That should be fun. It is what I wanted to do originally, before my health went terribly south, so I am going to work on that too. I owe it to Judy for spending so much of her time with me. I also want to film Judy's house in Horseshoe Bay. What a sensational area. Wow. I often wish that Mitch and I would have had some extra money so that we could have purchased the unit next door to Judy and Mike. Now, that would have been a blast!! Hah.

Okay, I am going to be helping my step mother for the better portion of this week, so if I am hit or miss this week, bear with me please. I will do my best at keeping you all informed on houses and on my loved ones as they move through the healing process.

Have a wonderful day and let me know what you think of the houses. I love hearing from you! Happy Thanksgiving.


TheRockin R

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Book Started!

Voluntary Simplicity

I am actually beginning the book that has been inside my head for years now. What I like about the idea for my book is that it has never been done before and so it will be new to the market. People will hopefully react in a positive manner to the ideas and concepts and homes that I have selected to exemplify my ideas. If you haven't noticed, things are a changing in the home furnishings industry and in the housing market. There are major reasons why these changes are occurring and I am not going into the economic reasons in my book, only what I see as examples of where housing and furnishings should be going and then highlighting the people who are forward enough to already have houses that exemplify these notions of mine. My believe it that we are headed in a brand new direction and leading the charge is a new demographic group.

I will give out one more teaser too. Trend merchandising is over, in general. I began noticing the decline in this type of marketing a number of years ago when all of a sudden the home industry was cluttered with trend people who had absolutely no idea what a trend curve was, what trend merchandising was or how to manifest it properly, or the difference between and trend and a fad. When I began to notice this, I got out of being a "trend and color"consultant. I will still use it as a valuable tool, but I will NOT highlight myself as trend person because there are simply too many people out there calling themselves that who have no idea what they're doing. When this happens the notion of trend marketing is ironically, post-peak. So, I have come up with a brand new idea on what this means moving forward and how I can best implement this in my new business, The RockinR Design Group. So, be looking for some really good mojo to come your way from me and I would love for you to follow on my Facebook page to see the pictures of the homes I will be highlighting. Or, perhaps I can figure out how to do that here. Hang on....Very cool, it just loaded up top. Now you will know why that image is there as it is part of the beginning of letting you see what I am up to now.

I can't wait to hear what you think of the houses I select and be watching for my first newsletter to come out. It's called, TrendSavvy Magazine. I have had the magazine for years and done very little with it. I think I have two issues, so let me know if you'd like me to send you a pdf version of them. Anyway, I decided I was not going to change the name of it because it still has some equity in it and I have a Website already in that name. I have started the newsletter and that should be available to see in a week or two. I love getting back in the saddle and I love feeling better. I am still a little slow, but I can still work really well because my intuition is stronger than ever. In the world of marketing and branding you had better have a person who has strong intuition skills and strong design skills and that's what I come to the table with. Yay. So, here it comes. Hope you like it!! Let me know your thoughts!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Winter Wonderful Land...well maybe!

First Snow of the Season

We are experiencing the first snow of the season. Last night when I got up around 3am for my normal run to the bathroom I noticed snow mixed with rain. Yuck. Then, when the coffee maker went off at 6am, I looked out the same bathroom window and noticed the same icy mixture of rain and snow. Now, this is actually quite wonderful. I can feel a good storm coming for days. Meaning, with my arthritic body I am like a walking barometer, really. My body can feel the change in weather. My hands ache more, my hips crack and are super sore, my back and L5 impingement is irritating more than usual. It is amazing. And it all begins about two to three days prior to the storm actually getting to town. It's like the bad outlaws that would come into town in the old days. Everyone knew they were coming and so suddenly the energy in the town shifted to negative and scared. Hah!

I was talking with my Dad yesterday and he has the same experience with this arthritis riddled body. So we giggle about how our bodies tell us about storms. Snow storms, rain storms, tornado activity, you name it. When the barometer drops our bodies feel it big time. It is simply amazing. Then, when the storm passes our bodies go back to normal. I should do some at home research on the internet and find out why that happens. If anyone reading this knows the answer, please weigh in, as I would love to know.

I am picking Mitch (the wonderful husband) up from the airport this morning. Let's all pray the runways are open and the snow doesn't really pick up until later this afternoon. They're calling for 6-10 inches today. Riiiiigggghhhhhttttt. We'll see. Mitch and I were saying last night that it would be great having a job where you are right only 50% of the time. Think about that.....Anyway, I digress, I am picking him up this morning and he's coming in from Baltimore. I have had THE best crab cakes in Baltimore! I have spent a lot of time there when I had a client who did a bunch of work there so then I did a bunch of work there and it was a lot of fun. It is a great area of the country, but then again, I am very partial to the East coast. Well, I just shouldn't have said anything at all about the weather. I just looked out my patio windows and the snow is accumulating on the deck floor. Shoot. Oh, dear, I hope the airport stays open and he has no travel nightmares. Big wet flakes of snow people. It's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous no question, I just want my husband to come in this morning so let's all pray that happens. I wouldn't be so concerned except he was gone at the beginning of the week and he's gone again next week to Dallas so I would really like to see him this weekend. Jeez. At least it's only one of us traveling all the time. Someone has to hold down the fort!

I believe I was mentioning this travel deal on one of my last blogs. When the two of us were super busy and traveling all the time it was like no one was tending to our marital garden. I have a girl friend that likens a marriage to a garden and gardens need attention if they are to flourish, thrive, and be beautiful. Well, I can assure you, Mitch and I were not tending to our marital garden and we suffered some consequences as a result of that. I am not going to go into a bunch of detail, but suffice to say, we will not be living our lives like that ever again. One of us has to be willing to stay at home more and serve as the foundation for the marriage. We have found that that person is me due to my physical limitations (my girlfriend calls me handicapped, which I hate hearing). But with my limitations I can't get on planes all the time and travel the way I once did. I was Platinum when my husband was Gold. Now he's Platinum and I am a stay at home dog mother. Hah! We sure like it this way. I have been able to help my body get better and we have been able to communicate more making our garden look beautiful again. How great is that??

These are the little things that I have learned as I have gone through some extremely tough times. I am so glad I have learned and grown from all these lessons. I don't want to do them again I can tell you that, but it is wonderful that we are thriving again as a couple and as a mutual partnership. Mitch and I discovered that we are true partners in every way and that is very powerful information to have in a marriage. We didn't know this before I got physically ill and had to stop everything. But now we do and it's great. It's been worth everything learning that one thing.

Okay, I just looked out the doors to the deck again and it's still coming down in big wet moist flakes. Well, maybe they're not as big, which is good. I am going to wear my Ice Bugs today for sure. If you don't know what Ice Bugs are you absolutely have to Google them and get a pair if you live where there's snow and ice and you don't want to fall. These boots have saved me countless times and I have NEVER fallen while wearing them, ever. It's amazing. The pair I have go up to my ankles and have the side zipper just in case you see them while you're scrolling the pages. They rock and I get a new pair about every two years. But that will depend how much you walk outside. Since I love walking outdoors during the winter and know I can do it safely, I am over joyed. Again, these boots are a savior to me and if you have a fear of falling on snow or ice, get a pair of these please. Just Google, Ice Bugs, and you should have no problems finding them. If you do, let me know and I will help you.

Winter is here!! I hope Mitch will be too, we're going to the Louisiana Cafe for breakfast and their crab cake benedict is out of this world good! Yummy!!

Have a lovely day everyone. I am working on my new company name and logo right now, so be ready to see some exciting stuff coming from me soon. I am so happy to be back upright and functioning at my new normal. I am not handicapped, I just have a new normal. Now, that I like. Good Orderly Direction!! (GOD).


The RockinR

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ah, What A Wonderful Week!

Interesting Family Situations

Mitch has been gone the better part of this week and will be gone again next week to Dallas. This week it has been Michigan, Chicago, and Philadelphia. When this happens I get major dog duties. The good news? Gentle leaders!! They are the absolute best for handling dogs and making sure they don't go all over. Our dogs are about 95 pounds each and so 200 pounds of dog out weighs me by a bunch. With my hips the way they are and my spine the way it is, I must be extremely careful about what I do. However, I have been working so hard at getting stronger that my body is responding very well and the dogs are not pulling or rushing other dogs etc and so everyone is happy and well adjusted. Wow. Now isn't that just fantastic!! It is also nice having people who I can call for dog duties if I simply can't walk one day, but it is also nice knowing that I am capable and strong.

So, it's going to be trips to the Mayo in my future! But I am more than happy to help and be of service to my parents. We will be having a family discussion on Sunday and that will be a very good thing. My step-mother is taking her diagnosis and her surgery schedule and appointments to prepare in such an exceptional manner that I don't know how she does it! I am watching so that I can act the way she does. No drama, just get the thing out of me! Ha. What a great way to proceed. I will keep you posted on the outcomes and what we will be doing as a family. I think we are a very good family and we come to each other in service and help and that is such a good thing. I am wanting to make sure that my father is able to assist his wife without having to worry about anything the everything else is going to be my department, I hope anyway.

Okay. more later...enjoy this beautiful day God has given us.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mayo Moving

Being of Service

Hello All,

Well, my husband is going back out of town until Saturday and so I will admit to some sadness over not seeing him for another three days. He was already gone over night on Monday and returned late Tuesday night. Next week he's in Dallas for three-no-four days and that always bums me out. I miss him when he's gone this much. I know he's got lots of irons in the fire, but it is difficult not having him around. I miss his energy and he's a lot of fun to watch football with. Or at least he says that about me. Hah!

Anyway, this does afford me the opportunity to be of service to my family and help them make their many pilgrimages down to the Mayo Clinic for testing etc. It makes me feel like I am helping and being of loving service and I like that a lot. And, it is something that removes the feelings of missing my husband as he travels. It is also funny how things change. There was once a time when my husband and I were actually meeting in the airport for breakfast or lunch or dinner because we were both so "busy" traveling to see clients. We were so busy in fact that we unconsciously decided our clients were more important to see than each other. Not a good scenario. So, we have definitely changed how we do business in that regard and that's why I miss him now when he leaves. I am the one left at home, which is always a little trying. But the good news is that it provides me the time to hang with my family...the very family I thought I didn't have much time for when I was so "busy" seeing clients. I will never do that again..even as I ramp up my new business, which is coming very soon people!! I will never forsake my family or my friends for work.

So, I will keep you posted as to the Mayo because my parents know it like the back of their hands! How cool is that!! What a great opportunity and I look forward to hanging out with both of them.

More to come.....pray.....Thank you God for this day!

The RockinR!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Musings Musings Musings!

Musing in the Woods

Yesterday I was actually able to go on another walk in the woods with my dogs. What an amazing change of events. My husband is shocked, absolutely shocked at the change taking place in my body as I work on my emotions and my spiritual life. My friends are amazed because suddenly my creativity and intuition is returning regarding the naming and intuitive thinking about my next company and what it will be and what it will consist of in terms of the nature of the business. I think I know, but it is still coming out of me intuitively, so I have learned to wait on that intuition--because I think intuition comes from God so I wait on Him to help me with everything. So, all of these great events are returning to me in such a way that I am thrilled and happy at the same time. I have not had these feelings occur together at the same time for a long, long time. Remember, a few short months ago I couldn't get out of bed I was so depressed. Then I eventually moved to the sofa and stayed there for more months until I finally said to myself :: "Self! Enough is enough. Do you really think that this is the way God wants you to live out your life? I don't think so sister, so get up and get going." I can't tell you exactly what that day was, but I haven't been the same since.

I am so excited because I emailed my terrific graphic artist and she agreed to meet me for lunch next week. Then I talked with my dear, dear best friends in Texas the Ridley's and they are doing great. I ran the name of my company by them and they loved it. I am not going to announce it here until it is a reality, but suffice to say, I am only asking the friends to whom I believe their insight and experience is so important. My husband actually blurted it out before I said it so we're on the same page. Holy cow! How about that? He's on a business trip and at O'Hare and he blurts out the same idea I had for my new company name. I love it!! He's a GOD!! Ha. He loves it when I say that. Okay, so, I am going to get really healed up and working on my body/mind connection so that I can take a trip with my husband to Texas the state my soul needs. I love that state and I haven't been there for so long that my heart aches. I can't wait to go back and I hope it will be soon. Mitch goes to Dallas next week and boy would I ever love going with him. We shall see....I doubt it though. Too many things going on here at the moment. Anyway, by taking these actions I feel like I am getting back in the game and that feels so very, very good. At one time I actually had an appointment with the governor of Texas' wife. I need to see if I can rekindle that opportunity. Another thing we will see about.
The other thing I do know is that my company will not be about trend/color any longer. These two ideas for business are completely post-peak. If you don't know what I mean by that write me and I will explain it. But these days, everyone calls themselves trend/color people and when that starts to happen you have a strategy that is post-peak or OVER!!

The real deal is that most people are not trend/color people because doing it requires enormous amounts of observation, intuition and love of detail. These three things do not come naturally to most people, they want it to be true, but it is not. That's why the true trendologist's are rare and extremely talented. (Like me) If you really want your sales to increase, products and packaging to rock, you need a person who totally understands the retail trend curve and the power of a well designed brand...but....please don't get me going or I will seriously be on my soap box. NO SOAP BOX FOR ME!! Hah.

The happiness that I am now feeling is wonderful and so long in coming since I have been jammed up for so long. Getting myself un-jammed is the work I am doing now. As I do it my intuition is coming back and that is truly a miracle. I am so blessed I just can't believe it. I am saying no more about it in case it is all a mistake and not true. Which is just the kid in me thinking that the sky is falling. Hah! The truth is, I am getting better and I am working on getting better and that feels fantastic.

Thank you God!!!!

Have a wonderful November day no matter where you are in this world.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The Joys of Finding the New Me!

Yesterday I had two major appointments. One was with Julia my therapist. One was with my Alanon sponsor. Both were absolutely profound. I seem to be having a string of profound and altering emotional moments these days and they are so wanted and needed and perfectly timed. God's timing is always perfect that is for sure.

Anyway, my therapy meeting was all about how marriage is a balance of being vulnerable and being confident for me. As a matter of fact, most important close relationships require these two things for true intimacy with another human being. She put two circles on a piece of paper and made sure that the two intersected and it is within that intersection that I need to learn how to live. I look at that paper a million times a day because I truly want to understand it and implement it in my daily life with my loving husband and with my loving family and friends. It is so important for me to have healthy people surround me and people who only love and support me as I love and support them. It is making my body completely different. My husband, Mitch, is completely astonished at how my body is now compared to two weeks ago when I began my work with Julia and with Maureen from Wings of Freedom. I am literally not the same person. My healer, Dr. Wilkens, also changed my medications and I feel completely different and much, much better inside and outside of my body.

My meeting with my Alanon sponsor was profound in a way that only 12 Step Programs can be. She is everything I want to be and I am so grateful she is in my life. I have known her a long time and she knows me very well. I have no fear when I bring my 5th step to her because she is nothing but loving and supportive of me and the struggles I have with my character defects. This time her message to me came right out of her mouth and right into my belly and heart. Since Maureen says there are holes in my heart, my sponsor Lynda was able to see how some of them can be healed, just like Julia could see that. So, now, I have these two wonderfully powerful, intuitive women, helping me see what I could not about myself and now the work begins for me to see if I can heal some of those holes in my heart. My heart has been shattered and broken, so putting it back together is exciting and humbling simultaneously. It makes me feel like I am moving from being broken to being healed and that is extremely powerful for me. Thank you God. God is the most important healer and so bringing all of this to Him is so wonderful for me. It makes me profoundly humbled, honored, and more in love with Him, which means my relationship with God is getting stronger each day. How wonderful is that?

I will keep you all posted on the progress of this work, but I need to process some of this information before I take any action on it. I know what the actions are that I need to move forward on, but I want to settle into them and not react. I want to calmly take direction and move forward. What a concept.

More later....

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Great Hiking Today!! And What a Gorgeous Day For It.

Walking In The Woods with the Husband + The Doggies

Today I did what I have not been able to do for what seems to be months, many months, which is to go walking in the woods. This act is a complete joy of my heart. I think it must stem from the fact that my father was a forester for the Federal Government's Fish and Wildlife Department and we were all brought up walking in the woods where we would be given instruction on what the names of trees were, mushrooms, (Dad always said it takes two to research mushrooms. One to eat the mushroom and one to take notes, teehee). fern names, all sorts of wonderful times were had while walking in the woods as children with him. I love him for his love of doing this with us.

Today it was the same way. We all packed into the car and drove up to Pine Point Park in Stillwater. It is a lovely park which is the beginning of the Gate Way Trail, but this part of the park is rarely used by walkers or hikers, but is used by horseback riders, which is fun. Anyway, I was able to feel, smell, and hear the crunch of the dry leaves under my feet and got to watch my dogs running all over the woods and jumping over downed trees! I also had such a nice bonding session with my husband. We walk and talk. Or more accurately, he walks and I talk! I usually see an owl or two while I am in this particular section of the woods, but today, no such luck. Maybe Tuesday. I plan on going again on Tuesday after my doctor's appointment with Jane Wilkens. I will keep you posted on all owl sightings.

I truly believe that I was able to hike today because of the energy clearing that I did last Saturday and because of the new medications that I am taking which are not as hard on me, and the fact that I am doing my PT and getting stronger all the time. I did wear my corset while I walked and it was a good thing to do. I also knew my time limitations and the distance I could walk. I did not want to over do and then feel terrible tomorrow. So, things are good and I am very happy about it. Now, it's off to make an anti-inflammatory recipe dinner for us and curl up on the sofa and watch a movie with my family.

It doesn't get much better than this. And I used to think life had to be so much bigger and badder and busier. Boy was I ever wrong!! Life is sweet when it is slowed down and the focus is on family, our animal family, and our friends. I am learning so much!!

Go take a walk if you want your endorphins to kick in too. Boy is that every fantastic. Who needs to take anti-anythings when you have a body that wants to make you feel good all by itself!! I am absolutely convinced that the body/mind connection is essential for optimal health. I am more than ever before determined to seek out and understand this connection and do the best I can every day to help my body help itself. Knowing God is crazy about me (and you too by the way) makes me feel really, really good inside.

Have a lovely evening. Smell the dry leaves when you are outside next. It is intoxicating!


Friday, November 5, 2010

More Morning Musings

Walking Dogs in the Forest! What a Concept + Privilege!

I can't begin to tell you the last time I walked my dogs in the woods. It seems like it has been an eternity, but today is the day. I can't go one more day without a walk in the woods and taking one last long look at the beautiful leaves, listening to their crunch underneath my feet, and watching my dogs galloping along in front of me. Or at least, one is in front (Jack) and one is behind (Remy), it makes for interesting walking believe me. However, I will strap on my corset aka back brace and walk like the wind! I can hardly wait.

Your prayers were extremely appreciated and as a family we were given the best news possible. Very early detection, so very curable rate. It doesn't get much better than that I can assure you! I know prayer works just like I know meditation works. Calming my energy down takes work, discipline and willingness and so I do it anyway. Doing things I don't want to do is the key to everything. It is the key to growth and change for me. It is how one builds character I think. So, when my natural inclination is to go warp speed, consciously slowing myself down is work. Hard work at that. Changing oneself is difficult work, but so worth it in the end. Now I am working on the TM version of silent meditation. I practiced twice this week. I wasn't able to manage every day, but that's not the point. I am not going to judge, I am just going to do. Today will be another day I will say I do. I also do walking meditations, which are equally delightful and fulfilling. I simply take off my rosary bracelet and get after it. Very easy and very mindful. I love doing that just about as much as I am beginning to enjoy TM. My BFF turned me on to it as she has been practicing for well over 20 years and finds it extremely beneficial. So, I am going to learn how to control my negative warp speed emotions and only let the positive energy get released. Such a difference it makes.

So, that's my day in a nut shell. I have had excellent news in my family, which makes me very happy inside. I am slowly learning how to control my negative busy energy, and replacing it with calm, assertive energy. Like Cesar the dog dude. Hah! What a hoot. But I have to say, the guy is on to something. Maybe I can make millions of dollars teaching people how to be calm and assertive. Hmmm....I will just need a few collars and a couple of leashes.....

Enjoy this gorgeous day and check in!

Be Inspired + Move Forward

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Prayers Are Needed

I recently found out that a beloved member of my family has breast cancer and I would love it if you would all begin a prayer chain for her. Prayer works profoundly in our lives and in our hearts. The kindness of others is the most important thing. The kindness of family defies description.

I am going to be extremely busy over the next few weeks so I will do my best to keep you all posted as to what will be happening to my family member. I have been praying deliberately and contemplatively for at least ten days now and it is working in my life and in hers. Please send major positive energy my way so that I may deliver it to her.

Prayer is powerful, period. I don't for a minute deny it's power to change us, our attitudes, our bodies and our minds. God is the answer for everything. He is the source of everything, so I call Him the source. I love that word anyway because it is really cool.

Anyway, thank you for your thoughtfulness and for your call to prayer on my families behalf. It is very much appreciated.

xxxooo RCSC

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wings of Freedom

Miracles Do Happen

Last Saturday I had the great good fortune of seeing an Intuitive Counselor who does body energy work. If you have had major chronic pain issues like I have and many emotional issues that often accompany chronic pain, I HIGHLY recommend seeing this gifted healer, Maureen Higgins.

I have known for some time that there was a massive amount of internal negative emotional energy that was or felt jammed up within my body and I had no idea how to release it. I don't know exactly how to describe how I knew this but my body felt tight and uptight and tense. Anxiety is often a symptom of long term chronic pain and they go hand in hand together. The more anxiety the pain, the more pain the more anxiety, so it's all about releasing anxiety. However, first, I had to figure out where all that anxiousness was coming from because I have never been an anxious person. I am high energy, yes, but anxious no. So, my wonderful therapist, Julia Clowney,, referred me to the wonderful Maureen to discover and uncover where my energy was blocked in my body and what the emotions underneath the blocks were so that I could identify them and work on them.

I arrived at the appointed time and was lead into Maureen's work room, which is full of aromatherapy! We discussed the events of the past few years of my life, which have been both physical and emotional hardships. We discussed what I had done to help myself with these issues and I told her, I went from the bed, to the sofa, and now I am off the sofa a few days a week. In other words, I have been miserable for well over a year, so much so, that it was nearly impossible to get myself going. I guess you could call me depressed, but for me it was more than that. It was more like feeling sorry for myself and so hard on myself that I couldn't face the world. I refuse to take antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications because I choose to get through things with a clear mind, heart, and body. This helps me stay connected to God. But, this is only for me. However, I had lost so many things so quickly that it left me reeling and feeling despondent. I was literally unconsolable. Oh, I would sometimes rise to the occasion, but those were some extremely tough months for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I needed help and I finally reached out for it. Julia and Maureen!

After our discussion she had me lay down on her table. She placed her hands under my head and kept them there until my body relaxed and settled down. Then she moved her hands. One went hovering over my right hip, the other held my Achilles tendon area. She asked me if I felt any emotion coming up and not too long after that I felt a rage I had not let myself feel EVER. That rage emotion had settled into my right hip and right lower back area and I knew exactly what the anger was about that is how profound her work is. I knew immediately I wanted to kill something or hit something hard it was that kind of rage. Since I am not a murderer the suggestion she gave me was when those feelings bubbled up I was to physically hit a pillow and get the rage out of my body and into something else. Very cool. I know clearly what the anger is about and how to address it properly now and how to release it so it doesn't stay in my body.

She then moved around the table to my left side. She placed her hands in the same position, only this time, they were over the left side of my body. I instantly, and I mean instantly, burst into tears. And it wasn't a sobbing type of cry it was the deep, no breath, intensely quiet cry that is deep and full of complete and utter sorrow. At that moment I knew exactly what it was about too. I am going to keep this part private if you don't mind, but suffice to say, that what was uncovered in that room that afternoon changed my life, period. It moved all that negative energy out of my body and got me connected to my pain, both emotional and physical. I feel lighter in spirit. Lighter in step, lighter in everything. It doesn't mean that things won't come up again, they will, but I know exactly how to deal with things now where prior to seeing Maureen I had no clue to the exact nature of my emotional pain.

If you would like to speak with me further about this amazing event and the process that helped me to heal at a level I never thought possible, please let me know. In the mean time, here is Maureen's website:: I HIGHLY recommend her and her incredibly intuitive work. She did for me what I could not do for myself and that junk just lifted out of my body. It doesn't mean that I am suddenly rendered pain free either, no, just much less pain because I have much less negative energy coursing through my body and the anxiety that produces is gone. Simply gone. I am calmer, happier, and healthier. So, get on line and tell her I sent you.

God bless these amazing healers that I have the privilege of being cared for by. They are helping me more than I ever thought possible. Open your mind and pick up the phone. That's my recommendation. And then get ready for all the bad stuff to get removed so that all the good stuff has room.

xxxooo RCSC