Monday, February 21, 2011

Upper Respiratory Infection Be Gone!!

The Yuck Continues!

Well, you would think after five weeks of this nasty upper respiratory infection that I would have some relief, but NOOOOOO. I am still battling it or at least my broken body still is. And to make matters worse my RA doctor is still not allowing me to be on my RA drugs which gives me such nice relief from achy, puffy, joints. So, it is now the fifth week of this junk and I must say it is getting a tad redundant and tiring. However, the good news is that it isn't as bad as it was and I still rise in the morning with a little spring in my step since spring is right around the corner.

The other good news is that the husband and I will be on vacation to the Keys soon and that is always a perk. We stumbled across the most amazing Hilton and use Hilton points to stay there for free. We know and love our own amazing walking encyclopedia, Dixie, who helps us scout out new locations for great local food and has even given us tips on where to go for great swimming. If you've been to the Key's you know there's not much beach associated with that area, so one must be vigilant in discovering and uncovering new places to go for the best of everything. Dixie is our man for telling us everything we need to know about Key Largo and beyond.

Key Largo in itself is not the greatest stopping point but not far are a myriad of places that are extremely fun to visit and be privy to. One of those places in the Conch House. I hope to load pictures of the place where we dined almost every night we were in Key Largo...seriously, their food was that good. Apparently, conch meat takes on the flavor of what ever ingredient it is being cooked in so this was an interesting thing for us to know. Our first night of conch was garlicy. The second night something else. For the unknowledgeable food enthusiast it was a revelation to know this about a weird muscle inside a gorgeous shell. The place is fantastic and we highly recommend it.

My father also did a ton of work for the federal government from Key Largo down to Key West and beyond, so his suggestions for where we should go are equally valuable. I would love going across Alligator Alley and visiting the Everglades again too. Nothing compares to this fantastic part of Florida and Southern Florida is our dream retirement destination. Well, that and the Hill Country of Texas. I am certainly a Texan at heart and will not be stopped in finding places to live in both areas of the US. Perhaps one location should be in our very own 28ft CCD Airstream. LOVE that idea.

So, wait until I start popping up pictures of the highlights of our trip. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.

Cheers and more to come.


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