Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gripe Mode!!

Let's talk digestive issues shall we?

I am now sure that I am over 50 because suffice to say, my digestive system is not like it used to be. I am now literally having to swallow that I can no longer tolerate diary products or anything with a high fat content. My little digestive tract is rebelling at every turn when I am eating certain foods.

Let's just say I am saying good-bye to ice cream and now need to try yogurt/soy ice cream if I must have to have it. Last week I did my own experiment and purposely did not eat any ice cream, including Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. Oh, I am swooning from the mere thought of taking these things out of my diet! I love dessert and can eat it in the middle of day as well!! However, this is what I did last night as a little experiment. I simply love being an armchair MD! However, I ate wonderful organic foods and cooked from the South Beach and Anti-Inflammatory diet and never felt better. Then I had a pretty large (okay, HUGE) bowl of Kemp's Cow Tracks ice cream, ate several pieces of home made pizza with tons of cheese and then ended that dinner with a nice heaping blend of ice cream. Not good. Body rebelled. Last time that will happen. Must change diet! It is as simple as that. Argh!

I am back on the Actvia deal and will hopefully see some changes soon. But, every day I am working on sending positive energy to my entire body and I have complete faith in the fact that I am doing wonderful things to my body and equally wonderful things to my spirit.

Cheers and I will check in later to let you know of my success!


Now, it is off to do my morning exercises and then perhaps walk. My body will tell me what it needs to day. All I need to do is listen to it. How come it is that things can be so chimpanzee simple and I still don't understand.

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