Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finally, An Early Morning Musing!

Early Early Early Morning Musings This Time!

I am going to continue discerning God's intention for me more than I have ever before. To be truthful, I am not entirely sure I have ever really prayed to know what God has wanted me to do, rather, I pray for others constantly. I enjoy prayerful times with God for others but never for me. I am learning that that is not always the correct thing to do. So, instead, I am being asked by my spiritual mentor to give my questions to God and then sit still and listen for answers. Run them by someone if I must or feel insecure, but that these should lesson over time and practice. Perhaps this is why meditation is called practice. Interesting.

However, one wonderful thing happening tonight is that I will be attending my dear friend Honey Man's (well, okay, if you must know his real name, Gregg Rotvold's) church choir rehearsal. I will not be able to attend their main performance this weekend, but at least I will be able to watch Gregg perform with the choir he is so happy to be a part of. As I sit back and watch the changes Gregg has made in his life, I want to make some of my own. I am actually thrilled at the thought of it. I think in many ways we are making them simultaneously. Perhaps it is because we are the same age.

So, I think today, I will put pen to paper and acknowledge the changes that I wish to make. Pray about them, and see what happens. God has never let the people down whom I pray for so I find it unlikely that He will not help me. The thought is actually amusing to think this way. I also owe someone I love dearly an amend. I plan on tackling that today too.

Well, lots on the docket. I am happy that my behavior is good and one I can be proud of. I am happy that the people that I associate with are kind-hearted and loving. I am glad that I am loving towards myself and towards others. My new motto:: I Know More Than I Think I Know.

So there! Ha.

I will let you know how the concert goes too. Rock on Rock, you are loved!


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