First Snow of the Season
We are experiencing the first snow of the season. Last night when I got up around 3am for my normal run to the bathroom I noticed snow mixed with rain. Yuck. Then, when the coffee maker went off at 6am, I looked out the same bathroom window and noticed the same icy mixture of rain and snow. Now, this is actually quite wonderful. I can feel a good storm coming for days. Meaning, with my arthritic body I am like a walking barometer, really. My body can feel the change in weather. My hands ache more, my hips crack and are super sore, my back and L5 impingement is irritating more than usual. It is amazing. And it all begins about two to three days prior to the storm actually getting to town. It's like the bad outlaws that would come into town in the old days. Everyone knew they were coming and so suddenly the energy in the town shifted to negative and scared. Hah!
I was talking with my Dad yesterday and he has the same experience with this arthritis riddled body. So we giggle about how our bodies tell us about storms. Snow storms, rain storms, tornado activity, you name it. When the barometer drops our bodies feel it big time. It is simply amazing. Then, when the storm passes our bodies go back to normal. I should do some at home research on the internet and find out why that happens. If anyone reading this knows the answer, please weigh in, as I would love to know.
I am picking Mitch (the wonderful husband) up from the airport this morning. Let's all pray the runways are open and the snow doesn't really pick up until later this afternoon. They're calling for 6-10 inches today. Riiiiigggghhhhhttttt. We'll see. Mitch and I were saying last night that it would be great having a job where you are right only 50% of the time. Think about that.....Anyway, I digress, I am picking him up this morning and he's coming in from Baltimore. I have had THE best crab cakes in Baltimore! I have spent a lot of time there when I had a client who did a bunch of work there so then I did a bunch of work there and it was a lot of fun. It is a great area of the country, but then again, I am very partial to the East coast. Well, I just shouldn't have said anything at all about the weather. I just looked out my patio windows and the snow is accumulating on the deck floor. Shoot. Oh, dear, I hope the airport stays open and he has no travel nightmares. Big wet flakes of snow people. It's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous no question, I just want my husband to come in this morning so let's all pray that happens. I wouldn't be so concerned except he was gone at the beginning of the week and he's gone again next week to Dallas so I would really like to see him this weekend. Jeez. At least it's only one of us traveling all the time. Someone has to hold down the fort!
I believe I was mentioning this travel deal on one of my last blogs. When the two of us were super busy and traveling all the time it was like no one was tending to our marital garden. I have a girl friend that likens a marriage to a garden and gardens need attention if they are to flourish, thrive, and be beautiful. Well, I can assure you, Mitch and I were not tending to our marital garden and we suffered some consequences as a result of that. I am not going to go into a bunch of detail, but suffice to say, we will not be living our lives like that ever again. One of us has to be willing to stay at home more and serve as the foundation for the marriage. We have found that that person is me due to my physical limitations (my girlfriend calls me handicapped, which I hate hearing). But with my limitations I can't get on planes all the time and travel the way I once did. I was Platinum when my husband was Gold. Now he's Platinum and I am a stay at home dog mother. Hah! We sure like it this way. I have been able to help my body get better and we have been able to communicate more making our garden look beautiful again. How great is that??
These are the little things that I have learned as I have gone through some extremely tough times. I am so glad I have learned and grown from all these lessons. I don't want to do them again I can tell you that, but it is wonderful that we are thriving again as a couple and as a mutual partnership. Mitch and I discovered that we are true partners in every way and that is very powerful information to have in a marriage. We didn't know this before I got physically ill and had to stop everything. But now we do and it's great. It's been worth everything learning that one thing.
Okay, I just looked out the doors to the deck again and it's still coming down in big wet moist flakes. Well, maybe they're not as big, which is good. I am going to wear my Ice Bugs today for sure. If you don't know what Ice Bugs are you absolutely have to Google them and get a pair if you live where there's snow and ice and you don't want to fall. These boots have saved me countless times and I have NEVER fallen while wearing them, ever. It's amazing. The pair I have go up to my ankles and have the side zipper just in case you see them while you're scrolling the pages. They rock and I get a new pair about every two years. But that will depend how much you walk outside. Since I love walking outdoors during the winter and know I can do it safely, I am over joyed. Again, these boots are a savior to me and if you have a fear of falling on snow or ice, get a pair of these please. Just Google, Ice Bugs, and you should have no problems finding them. If you do, let me know and I will help you.
Winter is here!! I hope Mitch will be too, we're going to the Louisiana Cafe for breakfast and their crab cake benedict is out of this world good! Yummy!!
Have a lovely day everyone. I am working on my new company name and logo right now, so be ready to see some exciting stuff coming from me soon. I am so happy to be back upright and functioning at my new normal. I am not handicapped, I just have a new normal. Now, that I like. Good Orderly Direction!! (GOD).
The RockinR
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