Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Musings Musings Musings!

Musing in the Woods

Yesterday I was actually able to go on another walk in the woods with my dogs. What an amazing change of events. My husband is shocked, absolutely shocked at the change taking place in my body as I work on my emotions and my spiritual life. My friends are amazed because suddenly my creativity and intuition is returning regarding the naming and intuitive thinking about my next company and what it will be and what it will consist of in terms of the nature of the business. I think I know, but it is still coming out of me intuitively, so I have learned to wait on that intuition--because I think intuition comes from God so I wait on Him to help me with everything. So, all of these great events are returning to me in such a way that I am thrilled and happy at the same time. I have not had these feelings occur together at the same time for a long, long time. Remember, a few short months ago I couldn't get out of bed I was so depressed. Then I eventually moved to the sofa and stayed there for more months until I finally said to myself :: "Self! Enough is enough. Do you really think that this is the way God wants you to live out your life? I don't think so sister, so get up and get going." I can't tell you exactly what that day was, but I haven't been the same since.

I am so excited because I emailed my terrific graphic artist and she agreed to meet me for lunch next week. Then I talked with my dear, dear best friends in Texas the Ridley's and they are doing great. I ran the name of my company by them and they loved it. I am not going to announce it here until it is a reality, but suffice to say, I am only asking the friends to whom I believe their insight and experience is so important. My husband actually blurted it out before I said it so we're on the same page. Holy cow! How about that? He's on a business trip and at O'Hare and he blurts out the same idea I had for my new company name. I love it!! He's a GOD!! Ha. He loves it when I say that. Okay, so, I am going to get really healed up and working on my body/mind connection so that I can take a trip with my husband to Texas the state my soul needs. I love that state and I haven't been there for so long that my heart aches. I can't wait to go back and I hope it will be soon. Mitch goes to Dallas next week and boy would I ever love going with him. We shall see....I doubt it though. Too many things going on here at the moment. Anyway, by taking these actions I feel like I am getting back in the game and that feels so very, very good. At one time I actually had an appointment with the governor of Texas' wife. I need to see if I can rekindle that opportunity. Another thing we will see about.
The other thing I do know is that my company will not be about trend/color any longer. These two ideas for business are completely post-peak. If you don't know what I mean by that write me and I will explain it. But these days, everyone calls themselves trend/color people and when that starts to happen you have a strategy that is post-peak or OVER!!

The real deal is that most people are not trend/color people because doing it requires enormous amounts of observation, intuition and love of detail. These three things do not come naturally to most people, they want it to be true, but it is not. That's why the true trendologist's are rare and extremely talented. (Like me) If you really want your sales to increase, products and packaging to rock, you need a person who totally understands the retail trend curve and the power of a well designed brand...but....please don't get me going or I will seriously be on my soap box. NO SOAP BOX FOR ME!! Hah.

The happiness that I am now feeling is wonderful and so long in coming since I have been jammed up for so long. Getting myself un-jammed is the work I am doing now. As I do it my intuition is coming back and that is truly a miracle. I am so blessed I just can't believe it. I am saying no more about it in case it is all a mistake and not true. Which is just the kid in me thinking that the sky is falling. Hah! The truth is, I am getting better and I am working on getting better and that feels fantastic.

Thank you God!!!!

Have a wonderful November day no matter where you are in this world.


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