Miracles Do Happen
Last Saturday I had the great good fortune of seeing an Intuitive Counselor who does body energy work. If you have had major chronic pain issues like I have and many emotional issues that often accompany chronic pain, I HIGHLY recommend seeing this gifted healer, Maureen Higgins.
I have known for some time that there was a massive amount of internal negative emotional energy that was or felt jammed up within my body and I had no idea how to release it. I don't know exactly how to describe how I knew this but my body felt tight and uptight and tense. Anxiety is often a symptom of long term chronic pain and they go hand in hand together. The more anxiety the pain, the more pain the more anxiety, so it's all about releasing anxiety. However, first, I had to figure out where all that anxiousness was coming from because I have never been an anxious person. I am high energy, yes, but anxious no. So, my wonderful therapist, Julia Clowney, http://www.goodthinkingtherapy.com, referred me to the wonderful Maureen to discover and uncover where my energy was blocked in my body and what the emotions underneath the blocks were so that I could identify them and work on them.
I arrived at the appointed time and was lead into Maureen's work room, which is full of aromatherapy! We discussed the events of the past few years of my life, which have been both physical and emotional hardships. We discussed what I had done to help myself with these issues and I told her, I went from the bed, to the sofa, and now I am off the sofa a few days a week. In other words, I have been miserable for well over a year, so much so, that it was nearly impossible to get myself going. I guess you could call me depressed, but for me it was more than that. It was more like feeling sorry for myself and so hard on myself that I couldn't face the world. I refuse to take antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications because I choose to get through things with a clear mind, heart, and body. This helps me stay connected to God. But, this is only for me. However, I had lost so many things so quickly that it left me reeling and feeling despondent. I was literally unconsolable. Oh, I would sometimes rise to the occasion, but those were some extremely tough months for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I needed help and I finally reached out for it. Julia and Maureen!
After our discussion she had me lay down on her table. She placed her hands under my head and kept them there until my body relaxed and settled down. Then she moved her hands. One went hovering over my right hip, the other held my Achilles tendon area. She asked me if I felt any emotion coming up and not too long after that I felt a rage I had not let myself feel EVER. That rage emotion had settled into my right hip and right lower back area and I knew exactly what the anger was about that is how profound her work is. I knew immediately I wanted to kill something or hit something hard it was that kind of rage. Since I am not a murderer the suggestion she gave me was when those feelings bubbled up I was to physically hit a pillow and get the rage out of my body and into something else. Very cool. I know clearly what the anger is about and how to address it properly now and how to release it so it doesn't stay in my body.
She then moved around the table to my left side. She placed her hands in the same position, only this time, they were over the left side of my body. I instantly, and I mean instantly, burst into tears. And it wasn't a sobbing type of cry it was the deep, no breath, intensely quiet cry that is deep and full of complete and utter sorrow. At that moment I knew exactly what it was about too. I am going to keep this part private if you don't mind, but suffice to say, that what was uncovered in that room that afternoon changed my life, period. It moved all that negative energy out of my body and got me connected to my pain, both emotional and physical. I feel lighter in spirit. Lighter in step, lighter in everything. It doesn't mean that things won't come up again, they will, but I know exactly how to deal with things now where prior to seeing Maureen I had no clue to the exact nature of my emotional pain.
If you would like to speak with me further about this amazing event and the process that helped me to heal at a level I never thought possible, please let me know. In the mean time, here is Maureen's website:: http://www.wingoffreedom1.com. I HIGHLY recommend her and her incredibly intuitive work. She did for me what I could not do for myself and that junk just lifted out of my body. It doesn't mean that I am suddenly rendered pain free either, no, just much less pain because I have much less negative energy coursing through my body and the anxiety that produces is gone. Simply gone. I am calmer, happier, and healthier. So, get on line and tell her I sent you.
God bless these amazing healers that I have the privilege of being cared for by. They are helping me more than I ever thought possible. Open your mind and pick up the phone. That's my recommendation. And then get ready for all the bad stuff to get removed so that all the good stuff has room.
xxxooo RCSC