Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Old Friend

Saw An Old Friend Yesterday

Yesterday I was in Stillwater (as usual) getting a prescription filled and ran into a gentleman I had not seen in at least two years if not longer. He is an older man but as feisty as they come and extremely generous, humble and wise. Oh, and did I mention handsome! Sorry Jane! Jane is the wife. He is an ex-Marine and solid as a rock.

However, when I saw him yesterday in the lab area of our medical facility he was a glimmer of the man I knew two years ago. I found out this was due to the fact that a mere three weeks ago he had prostate cancer surgery and that the cancer was in some lymph nodes. Apparently, this is not good. But with steely determination I could still see the fierceness behind those eyes to conquer all that was swinging his way. This man has faced all of the obstacles a long life has to offer and was given a new life many years ago. Now, he is looking down the barrel of another new life. What an amazing story he has to tell.

As we began talking he was telling me about how tired he was and how he was sleeping so much. For the first time in my poor health career I was able to share my experience with another person by providing a solution to his question based on my experience, strength, and hope. The answer was so decidedly simple, too. I told him to follow his body. If his body wanted to sleep, let it sleep. If it wanted to eat, let it eat. Etc., etc. Our bodies tell us exactly what it needs to get better if we would only listen to our bodies more frequently we would hear the vast wisdom it has to offer us.

So, running into him did him some good and it certainly did me some good. I was able to see a dear friend and watch his eyes light up when he saw me as my eyes lit up when I saw him. He is the dear, sweet, grandfather type if ever there was one, but again, feisty as all get out. You could call him a little stick of TNT. Hah!! That is perfect in describing him.

Our discussion was short lived as he was called in by a nurse for his lab work and we lost our connection. But, in that short amount of time I was able to tell him a bit of my story, provide a solution to a question he had, and most importantly, tell him he is now included in my daily prayer chain. I work my beads daily and he will now be a welcomed addition to my prayers. This man is a humble, dear man. I am blessed to know him and know I will know him for a long long time to come.

Here's another great event that will be occurring on Monday night the 18th. I hope I see some of you there. Positive Living with Chronic Disease. I think you should be able to click right on that sentence and get to the website for more information. If not, simply Google it and you will see what an amazing couple of hours can be spent for nothing. What a wonderful blessing. And they are all around me if I just look.

Blessings of the day to you and all you meet today. I think I will remember that everyone I see or talk to I touch in some way so it better be a positive experience for them. I would much rather leave them with that than a negative experience. Yikes. How awful would that be.

Okay, so my husband is home from his big meeting in Atlanta and I am going to enjoy the remainder of my coffee time with him this morning.

If you would like more information on the chronic disease seminar or talk given by Joe Nelson, please let me know and I will point you in the right direction. Mitch and I are already registered so please join us.

God's Blessings to you on this fine day He has given us.


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