I am an extremely slow learner, but I now know this with conviction!
I know that looking back into my past is not even remotely rewarding or positive in any way, shape or form. Looking back into my past never conjures up positive memories but usually only memories which are sad and depressing and hurtful. In other words, they do me no good in the day I am currently in, which is today.
I have often been told over the years that God only gives us our daily bread. I would venture to guess that this means that God only gives us one day at a time to do with as we wish as He gives us free will. But it is our job to know, love, and serve Him to the best of our ability each and everyday. I must re-learn how to keep my mind where my feet are.
I know this may come as a shock, but I am simply not good at taking directions sometimes. I often think that my way is the best way and I start believing that. Yikes. Doing my own thinking is actually what gets me into considerable jams and that is not how I would like to function in this one life I have to live. I would like to live this life with calmness, serenity and a peace which passes all understanding.
When I relive experiences from the past I am frequently sad and in despair. Two very unproductive states of being.
Today, I work on not boarding that train. The train that states that I what I did in the past defines who I am today. Some of it has helped to shape the person I am today because I have not repeated any of the mistakes I have made in the past. Especially the biggest ones because then I have truly missed the lessons that I needed to learn. But when my mind travels back into the negative feelings that past mistakes make, I get progressively more miserable and right in the day that is mine today, not three years ago, so I end up missing the most vital parts of my life. The one that is occurring right now as I write this blog message. Living in the moment requires work. No wonder Eckhart Tolle wrote a book on living in the now. It is vitally important to me because it requires an enormous amount of effort on my part. Living in the moment doesn't come naturally to me at all. But with practice, I am hoping that it eventually will.
So, again I challenge any of the three of you that read this blog (teehee) to begin consciously learning how to live in the now and refrain from going backwards and revisit the past. This type of behavior is not productive or positive in anyway and I refuse to live in this manner.
One day at a time I will not allow any negative thoughts or emotions to enter my brain. One day at a time I am going to allow my love of God and God's love of me to enter my heart and mind and let that Tinkerbell dust drift over all those around me. I believe in Tinkerbell dust. I believe in God healing all things including my desire to hurt myself through my use of negative emotions and feelings. Nothing is accomplished by doing this. Only more self-hurt is a result. I want this no more. Period. Will you join me in this effort? No negative emotions in body or mind. Too destructive. Too depressing. Too much effort pushing God out of my life when the very thing is my desire for a more nurturing relationship with my Holy Father.
On this Father's Day weekend I will give thanks to my Heavenly Father first and my wonderful Daddy next. How wonderful is that?
Many joys be with you today. This day. The only day we have.