Taking a Near Fall
Can someone please explain to me why on earth I continue to live in this climate? Good grief. I was out yesterday in what I thought was a beautiful nearly spring day. We had a good bit of snow the two days prior, but with my biotic woman status I know how to protect myself from falling and potentially dislocating the titanium portion of my body.
Well, I went down a slight, and I mean slight, slope to get to my car in the parking lot and WHAM-O almost down I go. I say almost because as I said, I know how to protect myself from the dreaded fall down with potential dislocation. So, what ended up happening is that I tweaked, wrenched, twisted, turned and maneuvered myself to such an extent to not fall down that I managed to now have myself in a position of enormous pain laterally around my titanium hip and deep inside that hip joint. In essence, I probably should have just taken the fall instead of using my body as an acrobat.
However :: Plan of action:: Call my paramedic sister and triage! I call her still shaking from the experience and she says to call the Ortho team I see and talk with the on call doc. On call doctors? Who knew? I guess I knew of them by word only, but I have never actually needed to call an on call doctor. First time for every thing I guess. Then I am to ice for two hours and heat for two hours and do that until I can't feel a thing and then take some ibuprofen, which I am not sure I can take because I am already on an NSAID.
Sooooo, I place a call into the oncall Dr. Meisterling and he is on the phone with me in seconds, literally. He says if my toes are facing forward and I am upright and not passed out from pain I have not dislocated. Yay!! Good news. Then he says ice/heat scenario which I am already managing to do. Sofas are good!! Doctor M says that if the pain worsens over night or if my symptoms do not improve and become worse I must try and get in to see Dr. Palmer, master surgeon of all six of my hip surgeries. Well, suffice to say that I will be calling their office today and getting that appointment. Even if all it is a quick assessment and that's it. MRI's R US!
I didn't sleep a wink. I was constantly awakened due to pain, meaning, pain would wake me right out of a sound sleep. Argh, I hate it when that happens. It is the most frustrating thing that can happen to a person. Up I am at 4a and ready to gingerly get downstairs to have my coffee while I lay down and ice/heat in the wee morning hours. Now it is the waiting game. Waiting for the switch board operators to get to their desks. Waiting for people to begin their days working on my behalf by answering those phones and getting me to the right doctors. This is such a blessing.
I don't think anything major has happened or that I have sustained some major injuries. But I do have enough acute problems to warrant a little parade of doctors. My house sitter will be stopping by this afternoon for a basic run-down of home stuff and I want her room to be spotless and the dogs to be in good form. If this is all I accomplish today I will have had a good day. Simplicity coupled with good common sense is always a winning combination.
I will keep you posted. And I am not going anywhere without my IceBugs on!! Jeez. If you don't know about IceBugs Google them because they are the best winter boots, period.
Cheers all...